Hi, I'm Elary.

I'm ready to help get you and your relationships back on track.

I have been married to my husband since 2004 and we have four children, three of whom are teenagers. After a very tumultuous pandemic experience (you can watch me tell that story) I decided to become a relationship coach. I am a certified relationship coach through the Coaching Institute. You can learn more about Activation Method here.

I grew up in a relatively small town in southern California, the youngest of six children. When I graduated high school I was living in the same house that I was brought home to from the hospital. After high school I went to university and recieved a BFA in acting. After graduation I moved to Minneapolis where I met my husband while working in the marketing department of a regional magazine. Once I had our first child, a beautiful baby girl, I left my job and became a full-time mom. We had three more children over the next six years, all boys. We thought about trying for another girl, but ultimately decided it wasn't worth the risk! I homeschoolled our kids until 2018, when we were preparing to move to Dallas from Minneapolis.

I am deeply passionate about, and committed to helping women be more effective in the most important part of their lives, their relationships. So much is riding on our shoulders as women, and the world is changing so fast for our kids, and for us too! I know that I have the knowledge, tools and expertise to help other moms journey from despair to peace. I love being able to be the catalyst for women to discover the resources they have to keep going, building the life they need to live for themselves and their families.